Health Advice, Other Languages

Welcome, Bine ati venit, Witamy, Hoş geldin

Welcome to our webpage for other languages. We will try to provide useful information in an accessible way. If you need help with a medical issue, please contact the surgery and we will try to provide a translation.

Bun venit pe pagina noastră web pentru alte limbi. Vom încerca să oferim informații utile într-un mod accesibil. Dacă aveți nevoie de ajutor cu o problemă medicală importantă, vă rugăm să contactați cabinetul și vom încerca să oferim traducere.

Witamy na naszej stronie internetowej dla innych języków. Postaramy się w przystępny sposób przekazać przydatne informacje. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy z ważnym problemem medycznym, skontaktuj się z gabinetem, a postaramy się zapewnić tłumaczenie.

Diğer diller için web sayfamıza hoş geldiniz. Faydalı bilgileri erişilebilir bir şekilde sunmaya çalışacağız. Önemli bir tıbbi sorunla ilgili yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, lütfen ameliyatla iletişime geçin, biz de tercüme sağlamaya çalışacağız.

Website Translation

Use Google Translate to read our Website in many different languages. To use this, simply click on "Language" on the menu at the top of the page and choose which language you would like to use.

Covid 19 Vaccination Information

If English isn’t your first language, the NHS has produced video resources in a number of other languages which might be helpful for explaining more about the COVID-19 vaccine. This is the full list of languages covered.





































We have uploaded some of these for our local community below (Romanian, Polish and Turkish).Click this link to view the full range of videos available

The Script for the Vaccination Video

I’m (name) and I’m a (job role) in (London trust)

The COVID-19 vaccine gives you the best protection from coronavirus. I had the vaccine to protect myself from the worst effects of coronavirus and I now feel much safer.

The vaccines approved in the UK are safe and effective. They do not contain any animal products or egg and have been tested on tens of thousands of people from many backgrounds, including Black and Asian.

Like all vaccines, you may experience some side effects, but these are usually mild and shouldn’t last longer than a week. For example, you may have a sore arm where the needle went it, a headache, feel sick, tired or achy.

Although the vaccine will reduce your chances of becoming seriously ill, you could still get and spread coronavirus. It’s important to continue protecting your family and friends by following government guidelines – even after you’ve received the vaccine.

There’s no need to contact your local NHS organisation – we will get in touch when it’s your turn to be vaccinated.

When you’re invited to get the vaccine, please go. The sooner we are all vaccinated, the sooner we can hug our families, see our friends and get London (England) back to normal.

Cervical Screening, Screening cervical, Badanie szyjki macicy

NHS cervical screening helps prevent cervical cancer. It saves thousands of lives from cervical cancer each year in the UK. In England cervical screening currently prevents 70% of cervical cancer deaths. If everyone attended screening regularly, 83% could be prevented.

Cervical screening is for women and people with a cervix. We offer screening every 3 years from age 25 to 49 and every 5 years from age 50 to 64. This is because most cervical cancers develop between these ages. First invitations arrive a few months before people turn 25. You can book your appointment as soon as you get your invitation. Some example leaflets are below; the full collection can be found on the NHS Website here.


Screeningul cervical NHS ajută la prevenirea cancerului de col uterin. Salvează mii de vieți de cancerul de col uterin în fiecare an în Marea Britanie. În Anglia, screening-ul cervical previne în prezent 70% din decesele cauzate de cancerul de col uterin. Dacă toată lumea ar participa în mod regulat la screening, 83% ar putea fi prevenite.

Screeningul cervical este pentru femei și persoanele cu col uterin. Oferim screening la fiecare 3 ani de la 25 la 49 de ani și la fiecare 5 ani de la 50 la 64 de ani. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că majoritatea cancerelor de col uterin se dezvoltă între aceste vârste. Primele invitații ajung cu câteva luni înainte ca oamenii să împlinească 25 de ani. Vă puteți rezerva o întâlnire imediat ce primiți invitația.


Badania przesiewowe szyjki macicy NHS pomagają zapobiegać rakowi szyjki macicy. Każdego roku w Wielkiej Brytanii ratuje tysiące istnień przed rakiem szyjki macicy. W Anglii badania przesiewowe szyjki macicy zapobiegają obecnie 70% zgonów z powodu raka szyjki macicy. Gdyby wszyscy regularnie uczestniczyli w badaniach przesiewowych, 83% można by temu zapobiec.

Badanie szyjki macicy jest przeznaczone dla kobiet i osób z szyjką macicy. Oferujemy badania przesiewowe co 3 lata w wieku od 25 do 49 lat i co 5 lat w wieku od 50 do 64 lat. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ większość nowotworów szyjki macicy rozwija się w tym wieku. Pierwsze zaproszenia przychodzą na kilka miesięcy przed ukończeniem 25 roku życia. Możesz umówić się na spotkanie zaraz po otrzymaniu zaproszenia.