Patient Group
The Aims of the Patient Group
Welcome to the Selsey Patient Group.
The Group was established in 2014 in response to a Government initiative to give patients more say in the development and running of local health services. Since then we've been working in partnership with Selsey Medical Practice to ensure that the views of the community are always listened to.
One of the many things we do is to organise an annual survey and through this we engage the community to help us understand what is good about the Practice, what is seen as needing improvement, and what new services or facilities would ideally benefit the town. We then work with the Practice to give careful consideration to the survey outcomes and what actions might follow.
I am thankful to everyone at Selsey Medical Practice for making our job that little bit easier by taking a positive view of our Patient Group and what we do, and thereby enabling the community voice to be heard.
Group membership is strong, and our people all want to play their part in helping the Practice thrive and develop in ever-changing times. We are a welcoming and friendly team, and you'll find more information about us below, and also on our Facebook page. Why not join us?
Barbara Shepherd, Chair, Selsey Patient Group

Benefits to the Practice
A view from the Practice
Selsey Medical Practice really value the work done by our Patient Group and work closely with the members to ensure that the service and care we provide meets the needs of our community.
The feedback they provide from surveys and their regular meetings informs our planning and decision making. We often seek their advice and guidance when developing our health care provision.
As well as being patients who use the service, the Patient Group comprises members who are experienced in a wide range of other fields and as such, they are able to advise us on a broad range of issues.
Selsey Medical Practice believes that membership of the Patient Group provides considerable opportunities for patients to offer their suggestions and support across a whole range of matters and we encourage individuals to contribute towards both the present and future development of the Practice.
Joining the Patient Group
If you are interested in joining the Patient Group, please contact Selsey Medical Practice either in person, by telephone or email the Patient Group directly
You can also find out more about the Patient Group on their Facebook page.
Patient Group Activities

Patient Group in Action
Patient completing survey
The main functions of the Patient Group
- Listening to the views of the community
- Representing those views to the Medical Practice in a coordinated way
- Assisting the Practice in decision making
- Conducting annual Patient Surveys
- Identifying opportunities for improvement
- Communicating with Patients
- Organising Public Health Presentations

Patient Group Meeting
The group meets regularly - via Zoom or Teams during Lockdown.
Patient Satisfaction Survey 2023
Survey Findings
Many thanks to everyone who completed the satisfaction survey this year. We had a record number completed which has given a really good overview of patient’s perception of how the practice is performing. The Patient Group have analysed the data and, together with the practice, are looking at ways to make improvements.
Some issues are beyond anyone’s control and stem from the fact that there are just so many of us who wish to live in Selsey and most of us are of the older generation with more health issues. This means the days have gone when we can see our ‘own GP’ whenever we are unwell. Instead, we have to have a broader view of our health service and be prepared to see a clinician who can treat us, whether that be a doctor, nurse, paramedic, pharmacist, physiotherapist, etc.
With regard to the GPs, remember they are like the rest of us and have families. So they do work part-time, but may also have other duties, such as training or specialising in certain medical fields. The alternative is that they would leave the profession. Added to which Selsey has advertised for another GP for over a year – what attracts us to live here does not necessarily attract a young GP. Remember we live in the longest cul-de-sac in Europe and there is still only one road in and out!
However, you will find some improvements in the coming months. One recent scheme has seen a Saturday clinic – this is being run by the Chichester group of practices (to which Selsey belongs) and this is held at Cathedral Medical Practice in Cawley Road, Chichester.
In conclusion, let us all try to keep ourselves as healthy as we can.

Survey Assessment
We have analysed the results of our survey scores and compared them to the scores from the other ChAMP practices. You can see the details by clicking here.
Selsey Patient Group will continue to conduct our surveys annually and thereby ensure that, wherever possible, issues that may arise from time to time are dealt with quickly, and that the community continues to receive the best possible service from the Practice.
- Minutes of Meetings
- PG Minutes 30.9.24
- PG Minutes 5.8.24
- PG Minutes 13.5.24
- PG Minutes 22.1.24
- PG Minutes 4.9.23
- PG Minutes 17.4.23
- PG Minutes 6:2:23
- PG Minutes 5:12:22
- PG Minutes 17:10:22
- PG Minutes 22.8.22
- PG Minutes 23.5.22
- PG Minutes 14.3.22
- PG Minutes 10.1.22
- PG Minutes 25.10.21
- PG Minutes 23.8.21
- PG Minutes 23.11.20
- PG Minutes 28.6.21
- PG Minutes 19.4.21
- PG Minutes 8.2.21
- PG AGM Agenda 16.12.20
- PG Meeting 17.8.20
- PG Minutes 6.1.20
- PG Minutes 17.5.18
- PG AGM minutes 24.4.18
- PG Minutes 13.3.18
- PG Minutes 12.12.17
Patient Group Committee Members
- Ali Archer
- Barbara Shepherd (Chair)
- Carol Purnell
- Lilian Livingstone
- Mike Nicholls
- Nathan Rose
- Noel Long
- Sue Watson
- Ahmed Bouariche
- Dr Rachel Jameson - Practice Staff (GP Partner)
- Nicola Collins - Practice Staff (Practice Manager)